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tv   Eyewitness News  CBS  June 5, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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tragedy on the water, workers stop searching for a missing swimmer. tonight the steps being taken to protect other swimmers this summer. good evening everyone. thank you for joining us. a swimmer is feared dead tonight after disappearing in a montgomery county reservoir. weijia jiang showing us the dangers at those reservoirs. >> reporter: waters at reservoirs can be cold, extremely deep and dangerous. and officials say even though people know that, many are willing to take a risk. crews continue to scour the triadelphia reservoir for a 23- year-old man they feared has drowned. they say aransio was swimming with friends but he went under. it's an all too familiar
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situation for rescuers. >> all three victims were in excellent physical condition. a more challenging environment of this water and proved to be too much for them. >> reporter: as the temperatures rise, police say more swimmers break the law year after year. this group of teens who don't want to be identified admit to taking a dip to get a thrill. >> i like to free fall. you know it's just all the pressure comes off your shoulders. >> reporter: it's not just reservoirs that can be deadly. natural resources police caution about swimming in any water that's unguarded. and if you're drunk or high. they believe two boaters that died last night at the chesapeake bay were under the influence. crews don't know why yansen went under as they aggressively try to find him. teams have stopped their effort to look for yansen today but they will resume in the morning. weijia jiang, wjz news. >> rangers are monitoring all
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of the reservoirs for illegal swimming. they say they've already written dozens of citations for a few weeks. a disgusting mystery unveiling right now. dozens of dead fish are showing up on the beach. people are complaining about a bad smell on the water. problem stretches all the way to delaware's rohoba beach. a fast food attack. tonight police are looking for clues after a worker is stabbed during a robbery. har tford police say someone tried to rob the clerk right before closing. the man stabbed a worker before trying to get away with the money. it looks like a dog will be quarantined for 10 days after attacking a woman. the pit bull bit the woman while she was getting mail from
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her porch. officials are going to hold the dog for 10 days then decide if it's going to be put down or given back to its owner. tonight, many republicans think the economy could be their best weapon to beat the president in the upcoming election. >> republicans hope they found president obama's achilles heel. >> president obama tried to the compare the economy as a bump in the road. but you try telling that to people losing their homes. >> we were losing 780,000 jobs a month when the president comes into office. fast forward to now. we've added 1 million jobs over the last six months. >> and democratic lawmakers are pointing the fingers at the republican house majority.
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>> we have said every day that they are there another day goes by and there isn't a jobs agenda or budget that comes to the floor. >> reporter: republicans are hoping it'll sweep their nominee into the white house. in poll after poll, americans say the economy is the single issue that matters most. >> i just don't feel that he's doing anything to help us. >> i used to go to the supermarket with $100 and buy groceries that would last me two or three weeks. now i can't even do that. >> reporter: the republicans don't have a clear running yesterday. but the republicans are sure about the issues. >> the americans are not sure about the economy. >> in new york, duarte j era ldino. that gop field is getting everyone bigger this week. former pennsylvania senator rick santorum is expected to join the race. back in baltimore, only 100
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days until votes here for the mayoral candidacy. mia pews is going to announce she is joining the race. get ready for some construction chaos if you're driving into downtown baltimore tomorrow. conway street will be closed in both directions on charles street. the drivers will have to dodge all these orange barrels so that the city can get the streets ready for the grand prix next december. >> as long as i can get across the street. i won't be able to cross the street. it's going to be a problem for me. >> now the road will be closed for about two weeks. some al alternatives to get into the city are sixth street. you can also go down martin
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luther king boulevard. you can plan your trip by going to mark fulkenham's name was added to the maryland fire rescue memorial. this is the sixth straight year that a name has been added to that memorial. a big battle is brewing in baltimore and it's all over one simple word. hun. the new fight is getting ready to kick off right as hun fest is getting ready to start. >> reporter: hun is a term of indearment baltimore knows well. but the battle is brewing up again. just as the hun-fest starts next weekend. back in december, protesters
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picketed hun fest founder janine's restaurant. >> this is our word. >> i'm a very hard working entrepreneur and i love camden and i love baltimore. and i spent a lot of time and energy doing whatever i can that's positive for the city. >> reporter: but the outcry against whiting when she sent letters to festival vendors telling them what they can't sell at the event on the list, anything with the hon logo. political or religious statements, even cat's eyeglasses are all right. people who organized last year's picket said they will be back again next week to protest
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again. and the controversy over free speech in the inner harbor is back again. police confronted people who were passing out fliers promoting vegetarianism. they did not give out tickets but they did tell people they were not allowed to sit on any steps. a lot of people were out at the inner harbor today enjoying the great weather. it's been another great june day to end a weekend. >> it is a beautiful one. now we did have a few showers around during the morning hours and clouds out there. those have all moved away. the sunshine returns and this is how it looks on doppler radar. the only sign of showers and thunderstorms are either pretty far off to the west or out here near pennsylvania. i don't think they're going to
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make any movement our way. the biggest move is going to be another warm up. another heat upcoming our way. we'll have those details, adam. >> more than a warm up. it's a heat up. all right, vern, thanks. >> a dream come true for a dozens little leaguers. it was little league day at the stadium. they were greeted by players. stan will have highlights from the game coming up in just a few minutes later on in sports. also coming up on wjz's eyewitness news tonight. a real horror on the playground. >> oh my god. oh my god. >> reporter: you have to check out this frightening video. several bounce houses go airborne. it just completely broke my heart. that heartbreak turned to happiness. how a family was reunited with their dog days after a tornado destroyed their home. the source of the deadly e.coli outbreak. we'll tell you where that
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bacteria came from and the steps being taken tonight to help people from getting sick. ,,,, [ male announcer ] there's a new ride coming to busch gardens williamsburg -- mach tower. dude, it's like two hundred and... ...forty feet high... ...right in the middle of oktoberfest... ...the seats go, whoooa... ...up to the top, then... ...the music just stops. and the seats totally start shaking.
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it's insane. but then all of a sudden... [ group ] aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! [ male announcer ] mach tower. heart racing. jaw dropping. coming soon to busch gardens williamsburg. pnc virtual wallet now comes with spending zone. it organizes all your spending, including your pnc debit card, credit card, and your bills. so you can view them by category... or by month. you can set a budget... and it'll even alert you when you're getting close to the amount you've set -- and when you've gone over. spending zone is built to help you keep better track of your spending. experience everything virtual wallet has to offer at pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
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13 people are hurt after high winds through several inflatable bounce houses into the air. there are actually children inside these houses when the structures got airborne when the wind blew them away. the inflatable houses were set up at a part of an entertainment theme that was
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happening at a soccer tournament in new york. authorities do not expect to file any criminal charges for the accident. an emotional reunion for tornado victims in massachusetts. a family lost their puppy shadow during the storms. the high winds literally ripped the dog out of the home. this week the dog turned out about 200 yards away underneath some rubble and a state trooper came to the rescue. >> he jumped all over us and licked us. he's doing great. he's tired and hungry but besides that he's in great shape. >> happy to be in momma's arm. shadow's role in the family is very special. he was a gift for their daughter who recently overcame cancer. the outbreak for e.coli was
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found to have come from an organic farm that has recently been shutdown. celebrating stories of survival today. dozens of cancer survivors were honored with a special luncheon. annual lunch is an annual event marking national cancer survivors day. it started like a little bit of a thunder boom that woke me up about 7:00 this morning when it rolled over the house. i thought the day would be a wash up but turned out not too bad for the afternoon. >> we got it out here, sunshine returned. it started out nice in the weekend. we had this storm late yesterday into first half of today. now it's gone. rebounded to 85 degrees this evening. so there we go, not to shabby over all. we do have some really hot weather coming our way once again and we'll have that forecast after this break. it's the little things in life that make me smile.
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spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip.
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don't call it a warm up, call it a heat up. are we talking miserable? >> we're going back to where we were. >> which was hot? >> yes. >> if i'm not mistaken. especially when yourself out in a suit and tie. >> that's where we're returning later on this week. before we get to that. today not a bad day. this is what we had this morning through the thunderstorms you were talking about. those all went down to the south. and a beautiful evening out there. just a light winds, it has turned around to the north. it's going to be very light tonight but it is bringing some drier air our way. now it's 82 degrees in baltimore. we're still rising in these past few hours in a delayed rising because of the fact we had the clouds earlier today. the 83 also in dc. and so far we had hit 83
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degrees but that was just this last hour. the average is 80 and we're going to be at or above that most of this forecast here. so here's how it comes together. i want to show you we did have this storm, this is what makes its way off to the south. what goes on in the middle of country is a lot of hot air once again. it's wet finding us later in the week but it kind of got pushed off to the east west of us. well it's returning. you see the storms out there right now. this is just our temporary delay and the heat returning. that storm gets out of here. tomorrow still pretty nice. but by the time we hit tuesday, here's the warm front coming through with the clouds. quite a chance for the showers. here's that heat. it's moving our way starting wednesday and thursday. and it's going to stick around for the week. so the forecast looks like this on the waters. we do have variable winds tomorrow. they eventually turn back around. so they are going to be very light. we're going down to 61 degrees.
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partly cloudy skies out there. then tomorrow we're up to 84 for our high and here are the next five days. take a look at these temperatures. here's a warm front on tuesday bringing some clouds through. 86 for the high but as soon as that clears us we jump right back into the 90s. 95 on wednesday. thursday 96 degrees. and here's a cold front comes through with that. now it looks like it may even stall on top of us friday. so a little bit of a question to the temperatures here. if we get into cooler air. those temperatures are going to be lower but we could pop up in the 90s for a third day in a row again this week. adam. >> thank you, bern. you know what that always means you get in your car and that 90 pops up. look at this bullpen on the outfield. mommy i don't want to get hit by that ball. i'm scared. >> grab a glove. >> that's kind of the way they
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play sometimes. we'll talk about it when we come back. ,,,,,,,,,,
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stan is here with our wjz the fan sports report for a brief moment today i thought, maybe they're going to have a 9th inning come back. >> the keyword there is -- >> brief moment. >> brief moment. orioles nowhere else to look but up from the bottom of the standings. contact on reyes. that's a ground rule double. rbi batting 290 right now as
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ambino scores. later on though, was it the blue jays who just decided to tee off. 2-8 alfredo simon got a little piece of that too. takes 2-3. elsewhere former o' aubrey huff now with the san francisco giants unintentionally snug right in the mug. look at it one more time, can you hear aubrey's pain. the giants won 2-1. french open men's final. federer disappointing day because their native son went down and defeated nedal. 7-5, 7-6 beautiful green as federer called it. the winner of the sixth french
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opener winner. and earnhart finished second after greg kozlowski. >> you don't rebound you don't win. especially in a championship. you look at every final sere series from the beginning of time. whoever wins the first game is going to win the world series. >> not to mention whoever scores the most on the scoreboard. miami at home, mavs three back to dallas. i think it's going to go all seven games. >> you think so. >> miami has to win in dallas. it's a game of momentum. we'll see what happens. >> be sure to tune in to cbs tonight, catch an episode of
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csi miami. here's what's coming up at 11:00. a woman tries to kill her own children. how a witness bravely saves their lives. a dramatic breakthrough, how two new treatments can help fight skin cancer, that is coming up new tonight on eyewitness news. u.s. park police break up a protest. dozens of people held a dance party there at the monument yesterday. they were upset with the judge's decision that bans dancing at the memorial. demonstrators argue that dancing is free speech. yesterday's protest did end peacefully. five people were arrested during a similar dancing demonstration just a few weeks ago. kind of fun watches that without the music. you have no idea what they're dancing to. an incredible display of talent. today a 4-year-old girl is showing off her acclaimed art work in new york city. take a look at alita andre here on hand to welcome guests to her exhibit. an explain some of her
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paintings. art critics are already comparing her works to pablo picasso and salvadordahli. those are some big names to live up to. sometimes people say, i can do that. and they just throw paint at a canvas. have you ever tried to throw have you ever tried to throw paint[ male announcer ] there's a new ride coming to busch gardens williamsburg --
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mach tower. dude, it's like two hundred and... ...forty feet high... ...right in the middle of oktoberfest... ...the seats go, whoooa... ...up to the top, then... ...the music just stops. and the seats totally start shaking. it's insane. but then all of a sudden... [ group ] aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! [ male announcer ] mach tower.
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heart racing. jaw dropping. coming soon to busch gardens williamsburg.


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